Individual function and social role of oxytocin-like neuropeptides in ants Co-PI (PI: C.W. Gruber, Medical University of Vienna)
In this work, we teamed up with physiologists of the Medical University of Vienna to understand the role of inotocins – the oxytocin/vasopressin system of insects – on ant individual physiology and on their colony level interactions.
Main Publication arising from this Grant
Liutkevičiūtė Z, Gil-Mansilla E, Eder T, Casillas-Pérez B, Di Giglio MG, Muratspahić E, Grebien F, Rattei T, Muttenthaler M, Cremer S, Gruber CW(2018)
Oxytocin-like signaling in ants influences metabolic gene expression and locomotor activity
The FASEB Journal, Volume 32, Issue 12 Dec 2018, Pages 6626-6435
This project has received funding from the Vienna Science and technology Fund (WWTF) under the Life Science Programme (LS13-017).