aerial view of the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)


We are a small team with several grad students and postdocs, and get support by our research technicians. We have limited availability of internships, yet cannot offer independent BSc or MSc theses. All PhD applications are handled by our central ISTA Graduate School, as no direct admissions to ISTA research groups are possible.
We apologize in advance that we can only respond to email requests for joining the team in case of availability.

Please see the ISTA Graduate School website for more information:


ISTA offers different kinds of fellowship programms for postdoctoral researchers. For more information please visit the following websites:

Student interns

We have availability for a very limited number of internships per year, typically summer internships of 8-10 weeks of duration. 

Please send your application via the ISTERnship – ISTA Summer Fellowship page: